Whole Child Supports
CARE (Coordinates & Aligns Resources to Engage Empower & Educate) Team program offers intervention and support for at-risk youth in our community.
With a team of educators, law enforcement officials, mental health experts and community agencies, we work with students and their parents to address the barriers that influence academic performance, such as physical health, mental health, substance use, abuse or neglect, housing, nutrition and poverty.
We offer on-site support in the school environment to help students overcome these obstacles and improve their well-being. With this program, our primary goal is to help at-risk children stay in school and become self-sufficient and productive in the work force.
CARE Team is a collaboration between United Way of Greater Stark County, Stark County Family Court, Stark County Job & Family Services, Stark Education Partnership, Stark County Family Council, Stark County Educational Service Center, Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery and the Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Every school in Stark County has a child and family development center that promotes physical, emotional, behavioral, and academic success.
To develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain the CARE Team model in partnership with the Stark County community.
Coordinate & Align Resources to Engage, Empower and Educate our youth.
Guiding Principles
We foster school and community collaboration to address each student's needs
We promote trauma responsive and resiliency building supports for each student
We embrace a family-friendly and culturally-sensitive approach
We engage and empower the entire family to promote healthy development
We leverage community resources and funding to ensure services and supports are sustainable
Goal #1
To implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the Ohio (Stark County) CARE Team model.
Goal #2
To implement a school-wide CARE Team approach in schools served through the Stark County Educational Service Center.
Goal #3
To provide staff development for school personnel and provider partner professionals participating in CARE Team programs through the development of a comprehensive CARE Team model.
Goal #4
To provide CARE Team technical assistance and consultation through coaching and a supervision model to enhance the implementation of the CARE Team service model.
Goal #5
To work with community systems, agencies (local, county, state, and national), school districts and for profit and non-profit organizations to invest, re-purpose and re-direct monies and/or in-kind support to promote and ensure the success of the Ohio (Stark County) CARE Team model.